Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Layers of Management

At what point should we stop and look at the structure of our corporate businesses? Does it make sense that one guy works while being managed by another who tracks his productivity and reports to another that is thinking about what the worker should do next. Then another layer is in place to take status reports of the work done and report up to yet another layer of management. By the time the status report makes it to the 10,000 foot high office it has been spun and generalized to the point it has no real value. Meanwhile, the guy on the floor still works and feels unappreciated because the executives are unaware of what he sees as reality. The ivory tower executive has no clue what is happening leagues below him and any attempt to communicate between these two end points, will be fruitless since the medium of communications is the management chain that stretches ineffeciently between the distant points.

It really makes you appreciate small businesses!!!

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